Safety in Numbers

I’m a few months away from a group show with Flanders, continuing to put together new work.  Its been a slower process than I’d hoped but things are coming together.  I’ll have more to say on process and progression in the next post.  Here I just wanted to share some pics of what been going on in the studio for the past month.  The series of photos below show the progression of my recently finished painting, titled Safety in Numbers.

After this initial drafting phase of the painting, it stayed like this for a few weeks.  Then I decided I’d rather it be upside down and to add text, as well as tire tracks.

For the tire tracks I used an actual tire, the spare tire from my car.  It was applied in a printmaking fashion:  rolled in oil paint, then repeatedly rolled on the canvas.  I used a baseball bat (pictured) as an axel/handle.

The finished product:  I toned the deer carcasses, adding subtle changes in tone, as well as refining the tire tracks by wiping away.  The final touches were adding flies to the carcasses, but they don’t show up so well in photos.